I am excited to announce the release of EdgeRater version 3.3. This new release makes using EdgeRater even easier. Here’s a list of the features:

  • Indicators and scans are listed in a library on the left hand side of the screen. The system indicators and scans are in their own group as are your own custom built indicators and scans (“My Scripts”)
  • Indicators and Scans (aka ChartScripts) can now be applied to a chart area via a drap and drop operation.
  • As each chart area is selected via a mouse click, the chart scripts in that area are listed on the left hand side of the screen allowing you to modify and instantly see the resulting chart – no more right-clicking and opening up separate dialogs to do this.
  • The values panel is now available in its own separate window which can be detached and floated anywhere on your system – even on a second monitor, so that it won’t obscure the chart.

I believe these improvements make a tremendous difference to the whole charting experience and encourage you to give it a try.

Also new – on the website (http://www.edgerater.com) there is now a ‘Feedback’ tab which you can use to ask a question, suggest an improvement, report a problem or give praise. So try out the new features and post a comment on the feedback tab – everyone will be able to see your feedback and you will be able to see everyone else’s.

Fire up EdgeRater and you will automatically get the latest version.

Hope you enjoy these improvements,

Chris White,
EdgeRater, LLC